Top 10 Ways on How to Remove a TV from Tilting Wall Mounts

TV’s on tilting wall mounts are one of today’s most common home entertainment features.  Before only hospitals, offices, and other important establishments mounted their TVs, but now, homeowners are doing it as well.

Having your flat-screen TV mounted on a wall makes it feel like you have your own home theater. Wall mounting a flat screen also saves space and keeps the TV safely out of the way.

Installing a wall-mounted television yourself can be challenging for the first-timer, but it’s not that hard to do.  Likewise with removing the screen from the wall mount. 

There are numerous ways in which you can safely and properly remove your TV off your tilting wall mount.  Here are the top 10.

A Large Flat Screen is a Two Person Job

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First things first, let people help you.  Even if you are handy, uninstalling TV sets from a tilting TV wall mount will require two people to lift the large screen from its mounting bracket. 

Doing it on your own also increases the risk of accidents and ultimately damaging your TV.

You don’t want that to happen, do you? Asking for help from others is always way better than broken TV!

Disconnect Everything First

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Before embarking on this process, it’s best to unplug everything from the TV.  Don’t worry, once your TV is off the mount, it’ll still work as well as before.

Light It Up!

Make sure you have enough light to see what your doing.  You may have to remove small screws from the mounting bracket, so it’s important to be able to see really well – and this will also avoid potential frustration.

Make Use of Object Aids

When removing your TV set from your tilting wall mount, whether by yourself or with the help of a few friends, have some key tools ready to aid you.

Make sure you have the right type of screwdriver – a Philips screwdriver is recommended – and somewhere safe to put your TV once it’s off the wall.

Screw Them Off

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A typical tilt mount such as Rocelco’s own range of tilt mounts, usually has security screws in place at the bottom of the hook-on arms, to prevent unauthorized removal of the screen.  By loosening these screws, it will allow you to lift the TV off the mounting wall plate.  Use caution to prevent damage to A/V component wires.

Removing mounting plate

Removing the TV from the mounting plate will allow access to A/V component cables.  Unplug the cables and lay the TV face down on a soft surface to prevent damage.

Using a standard Philips screwdriver, remove the hook on arms from the back of the TV.  Reinstall the factory stand for safe storage if needed.

Get Professional Help

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If you’re unsure on how to properly remove your TV from your tilting wall mount, get a professional to do it.

This way, there is a 100% chance that there will be no accidents involved and that your TV will be safely uninstalled. 

Additionally, these same professionals can also help uninstall your speakers from their wall mounts as well.


Tilting TV wall mounts may sound complicated at first, especially the prospect of uninstalling them when you’re done with your set, but in reality, they can be easy peasy.

Just take a look at our top 10 ways on how to remove them and you’ll see that it’s not as complex as you might think.

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